
Showing posts from 2014

2 month old today

Isabella Sofia Jarvis is TWO month old today. It has been a very eventful month for our little one: - She continues to grow super fast - 12lb 13oz weight and 24 and a quarter inches length. - She flew over 2800 miles from the East Coast to the West Coast and did wonderfully on the plane - Started to smile at her parents (which we appreciate quite a bit), and even strangers (which we don't appreciate as much :) ) - Started to coo and make sounds - she is so fun to hang out with these days! - Enjoyed her first Christmas, and was blessed with many presents from loving family and friends - Went to three different parties - Started to take naps in the crib like a big girl - Outgrew most of her 0-3 months clothes - Met our dear friends Tiffany Libby , Tony Kim Turin , Michael Mauck , Anna Rodgers Favorite activities: sleeping at home, eating, sleeping in the car, "talking." So thankful to God for our sweet lovely daughter!

1 month old today

Isabella Sofia is ONE MONTH old today! She is growing so fast!!! She is 23 inches (up from 20 at birth) and 10 lb 3 oz (up from 7 lb 3 oz at birth)! Main activities are still the same - sleeping and eating. While not engaged in her main daily activities: - She outgrew Newborn clothes and diapers by Week 3 of her life - She turns her head towards the person who is talking to her or making funny sounds (clicking is one of the favorite) - She loves bath time (most of the time) and even ventured out into a large bath tub two times - Loves to travel - car rides and walks outside are the best time for good naps - Got to meet all of her grandparents, as well as her Great-Grandmother and Great-Grandmother and Great-Grandfather, Auntie Danielle Nicole , Uncle Keenan Jarvis , Uncle Jason Jarvis , Great-Aunt Sonia, Great-Aunt ОЛЬГА ФЕДЮХИНА and Great-Uncle Caleb Bias and many of our friends.

Day 1 - October 30

Birth Announcement:  Baby Isabella Sofia Jarvis was born at 1:05 am this morning weighing seven pounds and three ounces. Everyone is doing well and resting. Other details that were omitted: She was 20 inches long, and purely perfect. Highlights: After 41 weeks and 2 days of baking inside of Mommy, Isabella got to see the world for the first time. As soon as post-delivery procedures were completed, we were moved into our recovery room. While Mommy was very tired and was not allowed to get out of bed, Daddy got straight to work, and gave baby Isabella her first bath.