2 month old today
Isabella Sofia Jarvis is TWO month old today. It has been a very eventful month for our little one: - She continues to grow super fast - 12lb 13oz weight and 24 and a quarter inches length. - She flew over 2800 miles from the East Coast to the West Coast and did wonderfully on the plane - Started to smile at her parents (which we appreciate quite a bit), and even strangers (which we don't appreciate as much :) ) - Started to coo and make sounds - she is so fun to hang out with these days! - Enjoyed her first Christmas, and was blessed with many presents from loving family and friends - Went to three different parties - Started to take naps in the crib like a big girl - Outgrew most of her 0-3 months clothes - Met our dear friends Tiffany Libby , Tony Kim Turin , Michael Mauck , Anna Rodgers Favorite activities: sleeping at home, eating, sleeping in the car, "talking." So thankful to God for our sweet lovely daughter!