
Showing posts from March, 2015

5 months!!!

Isabella is 5 months old today! What a month! Continuing to grow steadily-17lb 1oz, 26 3/4 inches. - First two bottom teeth are in! - Rolling from stomach to back, and from back to stomach. Constantly. - Chewing everything - Sticking out her tongue and blowing - Playing with her feet - Babbling and laughing often, and making Mommy and Daddy laugh. We are so blessed to have you, our sweet baby!

4 months, 3 weeks

Four months and 3 weeks. Very eventful week for baby Isabella. Monday, March 16, on her Grandpas Birthday, the first tooth - bottom left broke the gum. Today we already have two gorgeous white tiny teeth showing . Also, on Monday Isabella rolled over from tummy to back, and have been repeating that every other day. She also is getting more active in her movements and tries to reach her toes . Have a blessed weekend!

4 and a half months

Four and a half months now. Touching everything. Trying to put everything in her mouth. King and Isabella are really interested in each other, and now Isabella touches him often. Have a blessed Sunday.

4 months 1 week

Isabella is 4 months and 1 week update: Doing great. Enjoying fabulous weather in Oregon and going on many walks and hikes. Got her first handmade lei from a Hawaiian friend ☺ Also, she let her parents go on a first date without her this week, and slept the entire time our friends were watching her.