
Showing posts from May, 2015

7 months old beauty

Our baby girl Isabella is 7 months old! We are very thankful to God for such a sweet, fun, alert, smart and lovely baby girl. This months: - Isabella became mobile. She went from rolling on her blanket to standing on her knees and elbows and rocking (started Memorial Day weekend) to real army crawling just 3 days before turning 7 months! Watch out doggy, and furniture... - Solids are our friend. So far zucchini, thin oatmeal, bananas, carrots and potatoes are eagerly accepted. But chicken and sweet potatoes are the ultimate favorites.  - Isabella babbles quite a bit. Usually she changes the main sounds every couple of days. Ba-ba-ba, da-da-da, ma-ma-ma are some of our favorites. First time on a swing

6 months 3 weeks - Memorial Day Weekend

This week the weather for quite gloomy, and most of the days were spent indoors. We got ready for the Memorial Day Missions Conference, and spent the long weekend in fellowship at the Twin Rocks Friends Camp on the Oregon Coast. Isabella is continuing to move very actively through rolling, and is stating to stand on her knees and elbows lifting her stomach up! We won't be surprised if she is an early crawler :) She spends much of her wake time rolling, chewing on toys, or anything else that she is able to grab, and babbling (da-da, ba-ba, wa-wa, and even ma-ma are a part of her babbling vocabulary).

6 months, 2 weeks old

First of all, though we have countless photos of Isabella as she is growing, we were stunned to trully appreciate how much she changed in the last 6 months when we unpacked a baby doll that Isabella first met six months ago! November 4, 2014 May 11, 2015 This week was the first week of Baby Swimming classes for Isabella, and she genuinely enjoyed the experience. Daddy surprised everyone and came to watch her first class!

6 months 1 week

Thank you dear Grandmothers for lovely swimwear! Isabella is all ready for the season!