
Showing posts from July, 2015

9 months walk and cruising

Happy 9 months to our happy baby girl! Isabella has learned so much in the last month. She started standing up while holding up to the furniture a month ago, and now she confidently "cruises" around the room! She holds on to furniture and walks. So, here are some basics: Height - 29 3/4 inches, Weight - 22 lb, Head circumference - 46 cm, eyes - blue, hair - blond and few :) Eating - Isabella now has solid foods three times a day, sitting in her high chair during the meals. She is also very confident in eating "finger foods" (Cereal Puffs, soft fruits, cooked veggies in small pieces, soft cheese), and enjoys a veggie purees, fruits and even meat and fish. Activities - Our baby loves to explore her surroundings. She cruises with confidence, stands up and walks while holding on to the furniture or larger toys; she loves balls and bubbles. Communication - often says "mama," " baba', etc. Sleep - Isabella takes 2 or 3 naps during the day, an...