
Showing posts from October, 2015

Isabella's Birthday Party

Thank you, Grandma Val for putting together a great Birthday party for Isabella! Much thanks to everyone who joined the party, everyone who called, and sent gifts! Isabella is blessed to have the most loving and supporting family and friends!

Isabella is ONE !

How is that even possible - we have a 1 year old child! No longer can we call our daugher a baby. Because she is not. She is a young child, a toddler. So, keeping up with my tradition I will list the newest indicators of growth for Isabella Sofia: -  Isabella is 33 in (100% for her age) and 25 1/2 lb (97%) (at our 1 year and 2 weeks appointment) - Has 8 teeth - Says several words - Dada, Mama, Baba, I-Raz (there you go! in Russian) - Enjoys dancing - Eats most foods, but still nurses 4-5 times a day; and during our trip wakes up a night at least once or twice every night. - Loves to throw the ball, knows how to kick the ball - Knows how to wipe the table, and likes to try to sweep the floor. - Can go up and down the stairs - Loves water - bath time, washing hands, swimming in the ocean - Absolutely fearless when it comes to the ocean - she sees the endless blue abyss and charges full speed into it...