
Showing posts from December, 2016

Josefine is 4 months old

Our sweet girl is 4 months old already. At her appointment we found out that she is growing very fast - she is 26.5 inches long, weighing 15 lb 4 oz. Josefine is smiling more, loves chewing anything and everything, and enjoys bath times. Tummy time is not her favorite, she usually cries within a few minutes after we put her on her tummy. The Dr. said that 20 min of tummy time a day is a must. She is still struggling with nap times - 40 min daytime naps is the norm for us, and (oh by the way...) it takes 20+ minutes to actually put her down to sleep. So it's very common to spend lots of time putting her down, and then hear her cry 15 min later... Her sleep troubles are normal, but we were encouraged to stop co-sleeping and transfer her into her own room before she turns 6 months - at that point it will be hard to break the sleeping habits. Here is our little sunshine. The classic J-kids 4 months old look. Isabella did the same thing in her 4 month old photo. Seri...

Isabella is a Big girl - 2 year old

Isabella is 2 years old now. Our little  Isabella  is 2 years old! And here are some highlights of her life:  She speaks quite a bit contessa words and I see it is quite thoughtful and what you said. Isabella  nose colors brad blue green pink sometimes. Chicken count to 10 and you can actually count objects accurately from 1 to 4 most of the time. Isabella  loves her baby sister find a few funny things to her. At first every time Josephine cried I would get all excited and take off running towards where Josephine was was the words josephine crying again. . When  Isabella  tried to comfort Josephine she says things like and it's okay. Justin I'm here here it's OK. One of the funniest thing that  Isabella  says when Josephine's Pizza  isabella  runs and yet cloth webster Springs miles and says josephine sped up you funny jokes teen. ?  Isabella  is 25 months old. In the last week  Isabella  has been play...