
Showing posts from January, 2017

Josefine is 5 months!

   Where did the time go? Our baby is 5 month old! While just two month ago crying and fussing was a favorite pastime, now our house is filled with giggles from both girls.   Josefine's life now: - Sleep schedule normalized a bit. When she was 4.5 months old, we transferred her to her own room and her own crib. Now she sleeps through the night, except wakes up once to eat (around 4 am). She has a hard time going to sleep at night. Usually she is sleeps and wakes up multiple times between 8pm to 10:30. Which pretty much leaves us with 30 min of child free time :)) -Naps are still a struggle, it's rare for her to nap longer than 45 min at a time, usually 4 naps a day. - She is still exclusively nursing, around 5-6 times a day and once during the night. - She turned from her tummy to her back for the first time around 4 m and 3 weeks. And then did it 3 times after that. Tummy time is not her favorite thing still, but she is able to lay on her tummy longer now without...