Josefine is 5 months!
Where did the time go? Our baby is 5 month old!
While just two month ago crying and fussing was a favorite pastime, now our house is filled with giggles from both girls.
Josefine's life now:
- Sleep schedule normalized a bit. When she was 4.5 months old, we transferred her to her own room and her own crib. Now she sleeps through the night, except wakes up once to eat (around 4 am). She has a hard time going to sleep at night. Usually she is sleeps and wakes up multiple times between 8pm to 10:30. Which pretty much leaves us with 30 min of child free time :))
-Naps are still a struggle, it's rare for her to nap longer than 45 min at a time, usually 4 naps a day.
- She is still exclusively nursing, around 5-6 times a day and once during the night.
- She turned from her tummy to her back for the first time around 4 m and 3 weeks. And then did it 3 times after that. Tummy time is not her favorite thing still, but she is able to lay on her tummy longer now without crying (thanks to her parents' endurance and consistency.)
- She loves chewing anything she can reach, including her parent's hands. We anticipate the bottom two teeth to make an appearance any day now.
- Josefine loves to watch her sister and the doggy
Isabella is 2 years and 3 month old. Some highlights of her interests:
- Her language skills are very well developed, she speaks in sentences. Most of time time she speaks in English, but when I speak to her in Russian she uses some Russian phrases and inserts Russian words. Her comprehension of Russian is very good though.
- Isabella started a ballet class last week, and absolutely loves it. She asks to watch toddler ballet videos on you tube and repeats the movements well.
- She loves to sing: The wheels on the bus, Jesus loves me this i know, The ABC song, Twinkle twinkle little star, I've got joy, joy, joy down in my heart are some of the favorites. She also loves Баю баю, В лесу родилась елочка, Ложкой снег мешая.
- She is playing with other children very well these days, and on our way to playgroup she often says " I will be nice to other kids."
- Favorite toys - Lego Duple train set, block vet set, letters puzzle
- She discovered painting a few weeks ago and it's one of her most favorite pastimes.
Josefine's life now:
- Sleep schedule normalized a bit. When she was 4.5 months old, we transferred her to her own room and her own crib. Now she sleeps through the night, except wakes up once to eat (around 4 am). She has a hard time going to sleep at night. Usually she is sleeps and wakes up multiple times between 8pm to 10:30. Which pretty much leaves us with 30 min of child free time :))
-Naps are still a struggle, it's rare for her to nap longer than 45 min at a time, usually 4 naps a day.
- She is still exclusively nursing, around 5-6 times a day and once during the night.
- She turned from her tummy to her back for the first time around 4 m and 3 weeks. And then did it 3 times after that. Tummy time is not her favorite thing still, but she is able to lay on her tummy longer now without crying (thanks to her parents' endurance and consistency.)
- She loves chewing anything she can reach, including her parent's hands. We anticipate the bottom two teeth to make an appearance any day now.
- Josefine loves to watch her sister and the doggy
Isabella is 2 years and 3 month old. Some highlights of her interests:
- Her language skills are very well developed, she speaks in sentences. Most of time time she speaks in English, but when I speak to her in Russian she uses some Russian phrases and inserts Russian words. Her comprehension of Russian is very good though.
- Isabella started a ballet class last week, and absolutely loves it. She asks to watch toddler ballet videos on you tube and repeats the movements well.
- She loves to sing: The wheels on the bus, Jesus loves me this i know, The ABC song, Twinkle twinkle little star, I've got joy, joy, joy down in my heart are some of the favorites. She also loves Баю баю, В лесу родилась елочка, Ложкой снег мешая.
- She is playing with other children very well these days, and on our way to playgroup she often says " I will be nice to other kids."
- Favorite toys - Lego Duple train set, block vet set, letters puzzle
- She discovered painting a few weeks ago and it's one of her most favorite pastimes.
Sisters side by side at 5 months.
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