Isabella is 18 months

Isabella is already a year and a half old, and we are having a blast with this young daughter of ours.

First, Isabella had her 18 months check, and she is doing great on all of her milestones.
She is still 99% percentile for her height and head circumference, and 98 percentile for her weight.

During the appointment the Dr. asked us how many words Isabella uses consitencly, and we didn't have an answer. So when we got home we made a list. Looks like more than 80.

So here are some of them - probably the last time I will be counting words that she uses, but fun milestone to look at.

- да
- абан (банан :)
- сыр
- каша
- типси (птица)
- паста
- на!
- стул
- солнце
- дождь
- куртка
- слон
- бабочка
- акадо
- суп
- яичко
- блинчик
- пупочек

- Juice
-mamama (for milk)
- apple
- bread
- yo -yo (yogurt)
- chicken
-wa-wa (water)

- Mama Anya
- Dada
- baby
-Dadiel (Daniel, Danielle)
- Ma (our Chinese friend)
- Boddie (Bonnie)
- Баба
- Деда
- Baba Olya

- King
- Doggie
- bear
- myau myau
- fish
- bunny
- tiger
- monkey

- Hi
- Peez (please)
- Sorry

- All done
- adding "more" to variety of things, like "more help, " more juice,"  "more dada"
- Counting "one, two, three"

- ka-ka
- oh no!
- uh- oh
- boom!
- no
-up/ down
- dirty
- tee (tree)
- boxie
- phone
- bottle
- cup
- hot
- plane
- car - Zh Zh Zh
- potty

- help
- sit
- running
- sleeping / спит

Toys/ activities:
- ball
- bubbles
- book

- -eye
- head

- socks
- shoes
- - glasses
- hat


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