
Showing posts from 2017


Yesterday we lost King. We are heartbroken. Robert and I are so, so devastated from the sudden loss. The mix of feeling - sadness, guilt from not taking care of him better, emptiness and feeling that something is missing when we go about our everyday affairs. King spent most of his days with the girls and I. Robert said: "Isabella, do you notice that someone is missing?" "Who?" "King. King got very sick and he will not be coming home. He died." "Hm, I never heard about doggie died.." Then she got off the couch, went to Josefine and said "Josefine, King got sick and he is not coming home. I'm sorry about your doggie, baby!" Robert and I were both holding tears through that interaction. During the day he brough up the topic a couple of times, first time asking "Will King come home after his check up." Later saying, "Why King will not play with his purple ball anymore?" Poor little girl, she has never k...

Josefine is 7 months old

- Growing well - Rolling from one side of the room to another in 15 seconds. - Still two teeth

Little Ballerina Isabella - 2 years 5 months


Josefine is half a year old

What a miracle babyhood is! We still can barely believe that the tiny newborn turned into a half year old in such a short time. So, here's what we are up to: - At 5 month 2 weeks the two bottom pearls appeared, and not that two-tooth smile is simply charming - She is growing well -  Josefine enjoys being on the floor. She started to roll from her back to her tummy and from her tummy to her back and can do a couple of rolls in a row. - She sits confidently with minimal support. - A week before the half year mark we introduced solid food for the first time - some avocado, some banana pure, some baby oatmeal mixed wth breastmilk. Not too much like or dislike. Then one evening we gave Josefine oatmeal and breastmilk and water mixed together, and she threw up three times in 45 minutes. Then everything got better and there were no other signs of sickness. So that was her third episode of being sick. (Next I'll list all of the other episodes, just for my own memory). First ti...

Josefine is 5 months!

   Where did the time go? Our baby is 5 month old! While just two month ago crying and fussing was a favorite pastime, now our house is filled with giggles from both girls.   Josefine's life now: - Sleep schedule normalized a bit. When she was 4.5 months old, we transferred her to her own room and her own crib. Now she sleeps through the night, except wakes up once to eat (around 4 am). She has a hard time going to sleep at night. Usually she is sleeps and wakes up multiple times between 8pm to 10:30. Which pretty much leaves us with 30 min of child free time :)) -Naps are still a struggle, it's rare for her to nap longer than 45 min at a time, usually 4 naps a day. - She is still exclusively nursing, around 5-6 times a day and once during the night. - She turned from her tummy to her back for the first time around 4 m and 3 weeks. And then did it 3 times after that. Tummy time is not her favorite thing still, but she is able to lay on her tummy longer now without...