Josefine is half a year old

What a miracle babyhood is! We still can barely believe that the tiny newborn turned into a half year old in such a short time.

So, here's what we are up to:
- At 5 month 2 weeks the two bottom pearls appeared, and not that two-tooth smile is simply charming
- She is growing well
-  Josefine enjoys being on the floor. She started to roll from her back to her tummy and from her tummy to her back and can do a couple of rolls in a row.
- She sits confidently with minimal support.
- A week before the half year mark we introduced solid food for the first time - some avocado, some banana pure, some baby oatmeal mixed wth breastmilk. Not too much like or dislike.

Then one evening we gave Josefine oatmeal and breastmilk and water mixed together, and she threw up three times in 45 minutes. Then everything got better and there were no other signs of sickness. So that was her third episode of being sick. (Next I'll list all of the other episodes, just for my own memory). First time she had a cold when she was 4 months old and had a half day episode of fever and a couple of days of cough during Christmas week. Then she started chocking on some gripe water and making a wheezing sound and we had her emergency room during the Portland Historic winter storm Jan 14. We had to put on snow chains to go up the hill towards OHSU. Thankfully there were absolutely no issues - just a very exiting trip to ER at 2 am with both kids awake and the city being snowed in.

Anyway, we had a wonderful time taking pictures of Josefine as she turned 6 months, and I love the many faces of this beautiful girl.


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