Josefine 1y 3 m, Isabella 3 y 3m.

Oh how time flies. It's hard to believe for me that the last time I posted a "real update" on the girls was more than half a year ago. In the next few weeks my goal is to catch up with the major events that took place between now and then - such as birthdays, family visits and the holidays.

For now, here is the most current update:

Josefine is a very active toddler. And as most toddlers, her moods change based on the circumstances. For instance, when in new environments - like a birthday party we attended yesterday - she wants to be held and turns away from strangers. However, in familiar environments she is a real power house of energy and action.

Physical: Josefine is 3 tall and slender (33 inches tall), has curly dark hair and brown eyes. She has four front top and bottom teeth, as well as top and bottom left molar and a bottom right molar just recently broke the surface.  She is very active physically - since she was a little over a year, she's been able to walk backwards, spin, squat, and is very flexible. Can't wait for both of the girls to be in dance classes at the same time.

Verbal: Josefine is our singer. For Christmas this year she received ABC Elmo, and now absolutely loves the Elmo character and tries to sing ABC. (ABCDE.. and then more random sounds, she does carry the tune well, however). She says quite a few words, majority in English (Today she said: "happy"!! But she also says Bella (for her sister, Dadou (Danielle), Mama, Daddy, Baba, apple, "pees"(for please), Elmo, baby, nam-nam (for food), milk, si-si, ball, bubble, "boon" (for balloon), "hi Daddy," "bye-bye Mama," "Gde Elmo" (where is Elmo?).

Favorite things: sorting, shape wooden puzzles, Elmo toy and baby. She likes rocking the baby, feeding the baby, putting the baby to sleep. For the last month, since she turned 15 her interest in books finally increased - she now pays attention to a book or two at a time (in the month prior, she would just play and walk around while I was reading baby books or books for Isabella). Josefine also likes "fish" and can say "Dory." She can put together several giant blocks, and loves a variety of gravity experiments.

Is so grown up now!
She is 43lbs and 3 feet 5 inches tall. She just had her second hair cut and loved the experience. She is very active and strong, loves climbing.
Isabella is very inquisitive, loves imaginative play, listening to music, playing with other girls around her age. She adores her sister, thought Josefine is still learning how to interact well (sometimes, like today she growls or screens, and sometimes even scratches!).
Since the time she's been 2.5 years old, she has been able to communicate quite proficiently, and continues to grow her vocabulary daily. She speaks fluently in English, and has some conversation ability in Russian. He comprehension in Russian is very good, and often when I read stories in Russian to her, and pause to confirm that she knows the meaning of a word, she has to trouble translating it. Books she likes: "Are you my mother," "Sto skazok," Any Daniel Tiger stories, Thomas the train stories, Leap Frog.
She attends ballet class (fist started a year ago in a parent participation class), and a swim class (for a Level 1). We also frequent the library, and try to make it out to the Children's museum once a week.  Also, she is a part of AWANA Cubbies, and the hour and 45 minutes she spends there weekly are one of the highlights of her week.


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